Vidarbha Computer and Media Dealers’ Welfare Association

Vidarbha Computer and Media Dealers’ Welfare Association
  1.  Name of Association-VCMDWA-Vidharbha Computer & Media Dealer’s Welfare Association
  2.  Inception year-1993 registered as a charitable trust under ‘The Societies Registration Act, 1860’.
  3.  Name of Current President and Secretary –President Mr. Dinesh Naidu, Secretary-Mr. Lalit Gandhi
  4.  Membership strength-101 Full Members & 34 Associate members from across Vidarbha region.

5Vision of the Association
Primarily works on three dimensions. First, it safeguards the business interests of its members while promoting healthy & ethical trade practices. Second, it serves as a tutor cum guide to the end customers & Corporates of the region by spreading awareness amongst them. And last fulfilling its social responsibility by conducting various CSR & welfare activities for the society. VCMDWA is also an active member of FAIITA-Federation of All India IT Association and FITAM- Federation of Information Technology Associations of Maharashtra and works in unison for the betterment of IT industry in the country.

6. Major initiatives for members 
a) Has been very active in business dispute resolution amongst members and with distributors & vendors too.
b) Latest Business information & IT Trends dissemination through regular mailers and frequent in person
c) Conducting Business relevant management, marketing, HR & Finance seminars on regular intervals from respective field experts & Trainers.
d) Launch of “VCMDWA Assured Partner” program for members in Feb 2016. Transparent bylaws laid down to get max Partners accredited to it. Strong backup & support to VAP member in terms of visibility and business dealings and same for region’s customers.
e) Annual Family outings & gathering like “Diwali Milan” & Family Picnic to instill a sense of camaraderie amongst members
f) Holding of COMP-EX, an annual IT exhibition to showcase the latest IT products & solutions. Members are given first preference for space booking in this exhibition, before opening it to general exhibitors.
g) Sponsoring travel of consensus members to various world-renowned IT expos of Dubai, China, Taiwan etc. Returning member must give presentation on their experience and latest coming trends of these expos thereby enhancing members IT landscape.

7Major achievements so far
a) “COMP-EX” is a brand associated with the biggest IT extravaganza of Central India. VCMDWA has been holding its flagship “COMP-EX” exhibition since last 29 years consecutively & consistently in Month of January. It is the most awaited IT event of the year by regions Corporates, SOHO, Home Users as well as Vendors, Distributors, IT Fraternity and members. It is an annual Flagship event of VCMDWA managed by its members in house in form of various committees having a budget of approx. 1 Cr and footfall of 2.5 lac visitors. Without support of any event management team, association delivers this world class event at par with various IT Expos of Mumbai & Delhi, to people of this region. IT Leaders like HP, Lenovo, Dell, Microsoft, Intel, Symantec, Logitech, Samsung, LG, Canon, Epson, Brother etc. have been consistently showcasing their wares at “COMP-EX”. Since last couple of years Office Automation, Security & Surveillance and even Mobiles have been added to the exhibition category to appeal to vast audience and adhering to changing IT landscape of convergence. Popularity of the event can be gauged from the fact that since last couple of years “COMP-EX” chief guest being Honorable Chief Minister of Maharashtra Shri Devendra Fadnavis.

b) VCMDWA is one of the leading IT Association of India since long; it has been recently recognized and awarded as “Best IT Association” by one of the leading trade magazines of IT industry ‘The DQ Week’.

c) Various accolades and appreciation by multiple social organizations of the region for continuous CSR activities of the association like annual blood donation camps, Computer & Monetary donations to orphanage and less privileged social organizations of the region.

7Key thrust areas for 2023-24
a) This being a nonstop 30th year of “COMP-EX”, which has a reputation of being a humungous & mega event, planning has already started in high earnest, to scale the event to new heights. Already few committees like Core, Venue, Layout Planning & Erection, Marketing & branding and Advertising, Media Management & Printing are up and running. Everyone from these committees is at drawing board at meets least once a week, with couple of them sync up each day, although event is almost couple of months away.
b) To popularize among the Corporates & masses of these region it’s recently launched “VCMDWA Assured Partner” program. Advantages of dealing with VAP are being planned to be percolated through series of activities like advertisement, news articles in local trade magazine, newspaper, and mass mailing.

7. Future Roadmap
To be a one stop destination for people of Central India in terms of anything related to IT. To create a skill set enhancing & profitable ecosystem for its members. To act as a facilitator and conveyer of ethical trade practices by Vendors, Distributors, and IT Fraternity. Enhancement of regions populations IT awareness. To partner & engage with various Govt. bodies to make Nagpur truly a Digital India’s best Smart City. To continuously collaborate with social organizations of our region to create a continuous & consistent welfare program for various social causes.

10. Current Committee:

Sitting L to R : Mr. Jayanti Patel-Treasurer, Mr. Dinesh Naidu- President, Mr. Lalit Gandhi-Secretary,
Standing L to R: Mr. Sanjay Chaurasia-Joint Secreatary , Mr. Rohit Jaiswal-Vice president, Mr. Sandeep Bhartiya, Mr.
Nikhil Gandhi, Mr. Pravin Kanhe – Executive Members

Registered Office:
Vidarbha Computer & Media Dealers' Welfare Association
603, Suryakiran Complex, Plot No. 1,
Bajaj Nagar, Nagpur - 10
Ph. 0712 - 2243727